Why People Like to Avoid This Topic

Me, scared? Ha! Never—as long as we don’t talk about my drinking, says the little voice deep within. It’s not always easy to tell ourselves the truth, especially when it comes to something as common or as serious as drinking. Most people would rather avoid any...

Treat Your Children Well: No Trauma Mama

As a woman in long-term recovery, it wasn’t until I came to terms with my alcoholism did I begin to see the role that my crazy child-hood played in taking me down the road of addiction. Sure, I had the genetic predisposition, but being raised in a toxic environment...

Why Cool Moms Don’t Drink

Let’s start with the kiss. How many babies, toddlers, and young kids want to get smooched by parents or grandparents who have beer or wine breath? How many babies and kids out there want a mom who can’t get through the day without a glass of wine? Do moms understand...

Lost Brilliance: When Lives Are Lost to Addiction—We All Lose

What addiction and alcoholism steal from the world in the form of lost brilliance is incalculable. Think of all of the people who have already died from some form of addiction and the gifts and talents that vanished with them; gifts that were never pursued or shared...

Can Moms Party & Still Parent Successfully?

Can Moms party and parent successfully? The short answer to that question is, no, they can’t. When you see moms fighting with their friends, moms sashaying around bars, restaurants, and the house with a wine glass dangling from their wrists like a third appendage, (as...

Mom’s Drunk Again, but So Are All Her Friends

When do we cry foul? When do we look at the truth: Parent’s drink, grandparents drink…kids are exposed to adults drinking from the time they’re in diapers until adulthood, yet somewhere in that stretch of time, the message from parents is, “Don’t drink until you’re of...