Why People Like to Avoid This Topic

Me, scared? Ha! Never—as long as we don’t talk about my drinking, says the little voice deep within. It’s not always easy to tell ourselves the truth, especially when it comes to something as common or as serious as drinking. Most people would rather avoid any...

Why Cool Moms Don’t Drink

Let’s start with the kiss. How many babies, toddlers, and young kids want to get smooched by parents or grandparents who have beer or wine breath? How many babies and kids out there want a mom who can’t get through the day without a glass of wine? Do moms understand...

Six Hurdles to Sobriety That You Can Slaughter

1.) Life Won’t be Fun Anymore: One of the number one reasons why people are afraid to quit drinking is because we’ve been led to believe by our culture and big alcohol companies that “Life is more fun with alcohol.” Don’t believe the lie. I don’t intend to...

Can Relationships & Marriages Survive Sobriety?

Prior to recovery my go-to modus operandi was react and run. Once I got sober I had to learn to switch gears. I had to learn to live the trite but true sayings like, feel and deal, and you don’t have to be tore up from the floor up before you make a change. How in the...

Can I Be Sober in a Boozy World?

We live in a boozy world, and unless you live under a rock, everyone knows it. The pendulum has swung in the direction of ubiquitous alcohol consumption, for every occasion, for every activity, and for every uncomfortable emotion under the sun there’s a corresponding...