My Take-Away From the Boonshoft School of Medicine Medical-Spirituality Conference As the Big Book says, “The spiritual life is not a theory, we have to live it.” That right there in a few short words was the premise of the conference, and I believe if memory serves...
Why You Do the Opposite of What You Say You Want? There’s a disconnect between the desire to look good and what we do to take care of ourselves. There’s a disconnect between what we say we want for our kids and how we parent. There’s a disconnect between the health we...
Every parent wants good things for their child, but parents can self-sabotage their efforts and disconnect from their children in ways that they may not have considered. How do some parent’s self-sabotage their efforts? By buying into and participating in the...
What addiction and alcoholism steal from the world in the form of lost brilliance is incalculable. Think of all of the people who have already died from some form of addiction and the gifts and talents that vanished with them; gifts that were never pursued or shared...
Most destructive behavior is the result of emotional baggage that’s been stuffed; you may not even be aware that you’ve suppressed a chunk of your feelings that don’t settle into the feel-good pile. People react in all sorts of ways when confronted...
Can Moms party and parent successfully? The short answer to that question is, no, they can’t. When you see moms fighting with their friends, moms sashaying around bars, restaurants, and the house with a wine glass dangling from their wrists like a third appendage, (as...
This post is by Cloe Matheson, a guest blogger. I hope you enjoy her suggestions on how to destress as much as I did! 8 Effective Ways to Relieve Stress Stress has always been around – but in the age of the 45-hour work week, the urban lifestyle, and the competitive...
When do we cry foul? When do we look at the truth: Parent’s drink, grandparents drink…kids are exposed to adults drinking from the time they’re in diapers until adulthood, yet somewhere in that stretch of time, the message from parents is, “Don’t drink until you’re of...
1.) Life Won’t be Fun Anymore: One of the number one reasons why people are afraid to quit drinking is because we’ve been led to believe by our culture and big alcohol companies that “Life is more fun with alcohol.” Don’t believe the lie. I don’t intend to...
Alcoholic thinking is present long before a person picks up a drink. The negative, erratic, or insane thought patterns can even be evident in childhood, and unless healthy coping skills are taught, the person will eventually find their way toward something that...