Codependency #podcast me as I chat with Anjali Binder Patel on Sweatours: Alcoholism normalized
Hope you'll take some time to listen to my recent Interview: The Grass Gets Greener Podcast!
May 3, Interview on the Alcohol Free Life PodCast
Listen as I Chit-Chat with Kelly about our wine culture on Radio WMAP in NY, NY
Listen to the Recent PODCAST interview: "Ask Sharifah" Where we discussed Raising the Bottom & so much more! to the PodCast Interview Where I talk with Mari about Women & Wine! seen in VOICE MAGAZINE!


PodCast A Mindful Emergence: Lisa & Eddie discuss: #105 – Doctors, Nurses and Healthcare: What They Don’t Know About Addiction – 1/15/18 Voices of the Tri-States program featured on AM 1370 KDTH on August 6, 2018 what I had to say: The Epoch Times
As featured in SHAPE MAGAZINE
Check Out My Article in Scrubs Magazine
Are We Helping Others While Ignoring Ourselves?
Check Out My Article in Scrubs Magazine
Are We Helping Others While Ignoring Ourselves?
Check Out My Article in Scrubs Magazine
Are We Helping Others While Ignoring Ourselves?
Excerpt As Published in “The Mighty”
Read the excerpt about staying sober while pregnant. Yes, I had to take willingness to a whole new level! From Raising the Bottom; Making Mindful Choices in a Drinking Culture as published in “The Mighty”
From The Fix,
the largest recovery website in the world, Lisa Boucher writes about how addiction contributes to lost creativity.
Is Your Social Drinking Really Social?
Watch my recent interview with Jennifer with WFMJ CH 21 Youngstown, OH
Photos from Lisa Boucher’s book launch of Raising the Bottom 6/27/17
To find out more information, click on Books & Company
Reading the letter from one of the doctor’s daughter’s. Lucy’s take on her mom, a surgeon, and how she felt about her mother’s “social drinking.”
In The News
Click on the link in the pink box below to watch the interview with Lisa Boucher talking with Megan from Ch 22/FOX45 news: Recognizing the Signs of Alcoholism
Lisa Boucher's USA Radio Interview Where We Discuss Raising the Bottom!
Lisa featured in Renew Every Day:
Why Your ‘Social’ Drinking Isn’t So Social
Should we be surprised that people who drink three or more drinks three to four nights a week still consider themselves social drinkers? Our culture is numb to people who drink too much; in fact, our culture supports frequent drinking. We make flippant comments about “wine o’clock” and “beer-30” to get a laugh. Brunch is rarely served without mimosas or a Bloody Mary. A person who doesn’t drink often, or perhaps doesn’t care to drink at all, is looked at as if there is something wrong with him. Read the complete article
Why We’re Losing the War on Drugs and Alcohol
We can’t solve this persistent and complex problem without identifying reasons why there has been little success in curbing America’s appetite for drugs and alcohol. We need a new way of thinking. Read the complete article
Raising the Bottom receives high praise on a review from Read the review here.
U.S. News & World Report
Journalists Ruben Castaneda wrote an in depth article about relapse. I was thrilled to be able to chime in on such a well researched and informative piece. Read the full article in U.S. & World News.
Lisa Answers Your Questions
In your book Raising the Bottom, you say we live in a “drinking culture” – can you give us some examples?
Drinking has become the new norm: wine and yoga, wine and art classes, wine at book club. Bridal and beauty salons serve wine—what about the little flower girls who tag along? At 4, 5, 6 years old, they’re already learning that “ladies drink wine.” You can’t go to a child’s sporting event without seeing all the coolers. Adults hoot and holler about how they can use vinyl wraps or “camouflage” koozies to hide the beer can so they can drink anywhere and people will think it’s a soda. Kids will learn to do this as well. You hear adults joke about “beer-thirty” and “wine o’clock.” Moms sit around drinking wine when they take their kids on play-dates. At toddler birthday parties parents are as focused on the adult beverages as they are on balloons and cupcakes. Parents take their kids to eat dinner in pubs and bars. Kids grow up in these environments and start to think it’s normal to have a beer or glass of wine every day and for every occasion.
How did you come up with the title for the book?
I can’t start a book until I have a title, and the idea for this book materialized out of the ethers. One day, it was just there. I said a prayer: God if you want me to write that book you will have to give me a title. Two days later, I had a visual of the title, Raising the Bottom. It was as if a banner slipped inside my head, and I knew that was the title. I know it sounds woo-woo, but that’s the truth. I like the title because it’s also a concept. There’s always some area in all of our lives that we can improve upon. We can all find some room for improvement, somewhere in our life. Right? “Raising the Bottom” … the concept of becoming a better person. It’s timeless.
You write that the goal of Raising the Bottom is to “change the way we view drinking, recreational drug abuse and dependence and abuse of prescription medications.” What would be your desired outcome for readers of the book? What does this new view look like?
My hope is that women, especially, will understand that drinking 3-5 nights a week—or more—is not social drinking. People who are alcohol dependent, and many young women who are already alcoholics, continue to call themselves “social drinkers.” Society has lowered the bar so much. Daily, and constant, drinking has become acceptable.
Early alcoholism often manifests as anxiety and depression. I would like to encourage women and men to face the truth. If they struggle with anxiety and depression, but they refuse to cut out the alcohol, they are probably already in trouble with alcohol. Most people would rather take antidepressants than quit drinking. (That right there should tell them something.)
There is still a stigma about alcoholics, that they look like the homeless guy under the bridge, but people need to understand that alcoholics look like everyone. I’ve seen alcoholics as young as 14 years old. I would like for people to be mindful of what they model to kids. Kids hear our jokes about needing wine or the flippant comments about pharmaceuticals like Vicodin and Ativan. We need to start being mindful of our actions and start asking the hard questions: Is this who I want to be? Do I want to be the drunk, fun, party mom, or the sane, sober, confident mom? Why do we glamorize the fun mom, and berate the sober mom for not being “fun” enough? We, as a society, need to flip the script.
I also hope that readers will reevaluate their drinking patterns. The Big Book of Alcoholics Anonymous says the best way to diagnose whether you’re an alcoholic is by this: can you have 2 drinks—and no more? If you even once lose control and drink more than two drinks, then you have already lost control of your drinking. People don’t want to hear that, but if you have to drink more and more, and you lose control over the amount you drink, that’s alcoholism.
In the book, you share your story of your recovery from alcoholism. What was the most difficult part to put onto paper?
The hardest part was to write about my childhood. Believe me, I toned it down. The insanity in our house as a result of my mother’s alcoholism was tragic in many ways. Although we can look back and laugh at much of it now, my siblings and I were all very affected at the time. I wanted to paint a picture of what “family disease” means. No matter how you couch it, it’s not pleasant to look at the mess that an active alcoholic or drug addict in a home can create. The alcoholic inflames everyone around them.
What inspired you to share your story now, at this point in your life?
It was time. For over twenty years, my mom wanted me to write a book about alcoholism. It just wasn’t there. She died in 2011, and two or three years later, Raising the Bottom (the book and my cute logo) just hit me. I knew it was time to do a book for women about alcoholism. I know the subject intimately, from every angle. I knew what I had to write, and I knew that I was no longer embarrassed to talk about my alcoholism, or my mother’s and my sister’s, and I also found the courage to call it like I see it in the healthcare setting.