Too often there are deeper reasons why so many people flock to the bar after work or insist on drinks while cooking, lunching, brunching, or when curled up in a blanket to languish away the day on the couch—the bottomless glass of wine or cocktail as much a part of...
If I said it once, I’ve said it a thousand times—most people don’t understand addiction. Most people don’t understand that drug and alcohol rehab can be a total waste of time and money. Most people don’t understand the disease of alcoholism or addiction, and most...
Substance Abuse and Alcoholism runs Rampant in the Work Place Corporations know that wellness programs can be beneficial. With that said, most of the programs lack the one conversation that is the game changer in a person’s health and the company’s bottom line, and...
There is no shortage of misconceptions and hurt feelings swirling about when it comes to 12-step based recovery verses recovery from opiate abuse that extols the virtues of medication-assisted therapy. It doesn’t take but a few minutes of perusing the internet...
Raising the Bottom–Line–In Corporate America Corporate America is as befuddled by the drug culture as the rest of the world. Not only does drug and alcohol abuse impact the bottom line, but the emotional toll it takes on workers, managers and other...
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