Who Speaks for the Child?

Who Speaks for the Child Who Has No Say So in the Matter? As a child of an alcoholic, and in recovery myself for the past 27 years, I’ve learned a few things. But, nothing saddens me more than to see parents liberally imbibe while their children look on, bewildered by...
Materialism Vs. Spirituality

Materialism Vs. Spirituality

Too many women experience emotional pain and want better lives, but they never achieve that ideal life because they forget to nurture their spirits. We are body, mind and spirit and have to address all three aspects if we want to live wholly, happily, and comfortably...
Indicators that alcohol may be taking over your life

Indicators that alcohol may be taking over your life

Are you unsure of whether or not you have a drinking problem? Do you worry that you may be following in the footsteps of an alcoholic parent but your friends only encourage you to join the party and not worry about it? Here are some other indications that alcohol may...
Benefits of Rethinking the Drink

Benefits of Rethinking the Drink

The benefits of rethinking the drink are many: increased self-esteem and self-respect, increased ability to make rational decisions, decreases the risk of breast and other cancers, decreased guilt and shame, decreased risk of divorce, better relationships, better...